Military Veterans: Reduce the Negative Effects of Hypervigilance hypervigilance meditation mental health mindfulness post traumatic growth ptsd yoga Apr 28, 2023

What is Hypervigilance

Hypervigilance refers to a state of being constantly alert, looking out for potential threats, and being on edge. It is an all-consuming state that is commonly experienced by...

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Science Finally Catches Up to Yoga ... 5,000 Years Later post traumatic growth trauma trauma informed veteran veteran yoga vetoga vetoganation yoga Aug 24, 2021

Benefits of Yoga on Mental Health

Yoga has been around for over 5,000 years.

While long time practitioners of yoga have been aware of the mental health benefits of yoga, only recently has the...

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How Yoga Helps Father After 'Getting Punched In the Face' When Things Didn't Go As Planned fatherhood how yoga helps veteran veteran ceo veteran yoga veteran yogi vetoga vetoganation yoga yoga lessons learned Mar 19, 2021

Fatherhood and Sharing Life Lessons 

On August 30, 2020 my life changed forever. I became part of special group, a club that in all honesty I never understood. I became a father. If you...

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